Monday, July 28, 2014

Episode 5: Leap - Page 14

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Monday, July 21, 2014

Episode 5: Leap - Page 7

Remember to like us on Facebook for BONUS CONTENT MONDAYS! Go Beavs!

*This is the first page that uses water colors instead of colored pencils, so excuse the mistakes - those go away with practice!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Episode 5: Leap - Page 5

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Monday, July 7, 2014

Episode 4: "Lockdown"

Here is The Lost Episode! This is the one that had to be scrapped because my animation software, Xtranormal, shut down. So, for your reading pleasure, here is the script for Episode 4: "Lockdown." Enjoy!

Created by Annie Pasquinelli

Episode 4: Lockdown
Transcribed 4/12/2013
Completed 6/30/2013

Scene 1: Valley Library (continued from Episode 3 cliffhanger)

Chris: What?!

Haley: Chris, let me handle this. Kara, what do you mean, he has a Superman thing going for him?

Kara: Isn’t he, like, some kind of superhero or something?

Chris: No. Of course not. Superhero? Me? No, I’m not … I’m definitely not that kind of thing.

Haley: Chris, stop babbling like an idiot. What makes you think he’s a superhero?

Kara: Well, he’s only saved me like a million times already. I thought you already knew, actually.

Haley: What did he do that you think is so superheroic?

Kara: Uh, how about when you stepped in front of that runaway bus on Ninth Street? Or the time you kept that helicopter from crashing on me and my dad at that football game? Or that little thing where you knocked out that terrorist who was here a while back? Come on, guys, I may never have been great at coloring, but even I can connect those dots.

Haley: Really? You were at all of those? Here’s some free advice. Up your insurance. Like a lot.

Chris: Have you told anyone anything about this? Anyone at all?

Haley: Chris, no. Kara, are you now or have you ever taken any medications that might cause hallucinations or insomnia?

Chris: Please don’t tell anyone, okay? I cannot stress how important this is.

Haley: Would you feel comfortable repeating this misguided conclusion under oath?

Chris: I can’t afford to let this become common knowledge. There are some things in life that just shouldn't be Tweeted. Do you understand what I’m trying to say?

Haley: You may not be able to count on Chris to carry out a threat, but you can be certain I will, if you do anything to put him in jeopardy.

Kara: Whoa, guys, come on. I've seen enough Saturday morning cartoons to know how this drill goes. Superhero and secret identity go together like sour gummy worms and bubble gum Fro-Yo. Don’t you guys trust me?

Haley: Nope.

Chris: Of course we trust you. It’s just that - we don’t necessarily trust your judgment with this kind of thing yet. Yet!

Kara: What? Neither of you? That is just plain insulting. I thought we were friends!

Haley: We were never friends. You ran into my car.

Kara: And friends don’t treat each other like that. Friends have each other’s backs, no matter what. So you take some time to think about that while I decide if I’m going to overlook this little issue of yours. Chris, I will see you upstairs. Haley, good day to you.

Chris: But we need to talk about -

Kara: I said good day! *Kara exits*

Haley: I cannot believe you just walked into that one.

Chris: I can’t let her walk around with that kind of information, Haley. What do we do?

Haley: What we need to do is, we get her into a room and give her a good old fashioned shake down. All I need is a spotlight, some heavy curtains, and some of my Uncle Ace’s favorite mafia movie lines.

Chris: I don’t think we need to go quite that far, but we should definitely meet up again. Set some guidelines, you know? But maybe you should bring some good monologues with you, just in case. Can you come over tomorrow morning?

Haley: Oh, I can’t. I’ve got something else I can’t cancel. See if we can do tomorrow night.

Chris: Okay. Looks like you’ll be my backup this time.

Haley: Don’t get used to it.


Scene 2: Benton County Gun Show

Haley: Are you excited yet, Uncle Ace?

Ace: Well, not as much as I thought I’d be by now.

Haley: Come on. You've been talking about this gun show for weeks. Can’t you just be a little happier that we’re finally here?

Ace: It’s just not doing it for me, Smalls. Maybe we should just go home.

Haley: So you can open another bottle of whiskey and sit in front of the TV? I don’t think so. You need to go have some fun. How about we go check out that machine gun exhibit?

Security: Sorry, ma’am. We had to shut that down.

Ace: Of course.

Haley: What? Why? What’s going on?

Security: Did you see the crowd outside? There’s a whole bunch of people protesting out front, and one of them made a huge mess in the high caliber wing. They dumped a couple buckets of pig’s blood all over the floor. We've been trying to clean it up all morning.

Ace: Oh, for crying out loud...

Haley: Why are they all up in arms today? If you’ll excuse the irony.

Security: They think having a gun show so soon after the library shooting is insensitive to the victims and their families.

Haley: But that was weeks ago!

Security: That’s what I said. But they’re crazy liberals. They won’t listen to a word anyone with a concealed weapons permit says.

Ace: See, Haley? Today’s a bust all over. Let’s just come back tomorrow.

Haley: No! We’re already here. We’re going to have some fun whether you like it or not. Keep moving, Ace.

Ace: Ugh. Whatever you say.

Scene 3: Flashback - elementary school music classroom

Young Haley: Aunt Gracie! Aunt Gracie, where are you?

Grace: I’m over here, sugar. Did you and Ace come to pick me up?

Young Haley: Yep.

Grace: How fabulous! *Piano* Where is that uncle of yours?

Young Haley: He had to talk to the parking attendants. He says he shouldn't have to pay to park half a mile away or something. He told me to come inside and get you in case he couldn't straighten them out.

Grace: Oh, that crazy man of mine. Anyway, do you like the Valentine’s Day decorations I put up? My kids just loved them.

Young Haley: Yeah, sure. It’s all a little too froofroo-y for me. All that pink and hearts. It’s just a corporate money maker for squeezing more out of consumers after the holidays, isn't it?

Grace: You have definitely been spending too much time with Ace, young lady. *Piano* And a little froofroo isn't all bad. Valentine’s Day is also a good reminder to show people how much you love them. And despite all the capitalism, any excuse to spread a little love is a win in my book.

Young Haley: Well, it all still seems a little icky to me.

Grace: *Laughs* Well, ain't that the truth coming out of your mouth like a country song! *Piano*

Young Haley: You’re so weird, Aunt Grace.

Grace: Better to be weird than to be boring, I always say.

Scene 4: Gun show, continued.

Haley: Look, Uncle Ace, I know you’re having a hard time today because of Aunt Gracie, but you've got to keep it upbeat. She wouldn't want you to be so depressed over her.

Ace: I know, Smalls. It’s just... It’s difficult, okay? Give me time. I’ll come around.

Haley: Good. Because I can’t be the optimist in the family. That just isn't right. *Chris enters, unseen by Ace* Oh no. Hey Ace, y-you know what will make you feel better? A lukewarm cola and some nachos with fake cheese! In fact, why don’t you get me some, too?

Ace: Actually, that does sound -

Haley: I told you it would. Now hurry up and go get it. We've got a whole lot of firearms to see today!

Ace: Okay, Smalls. Canned jalapenos on yours?

Haley: Of course! *Ace exits* Chris! Psst! Chris! What the heck are you doing here?

Chris: Haley? Well, I was doing an extra credit assignment for class, but that’s going to have to get put on hold. What are you doing here?

Haley: Trying to cheer up Uncle Ace.

Chris: Oh, Ace is here, too? Figures.

Haley: Which means you can’t be here.

Chris: What? *Rutgers enters* Oh man. Where does he keep coming from? Quick, Haley, over here. *Chris exits*

Haley: Chris? Come back here! *Haley exits, Ace enters*

Ace: Haley? Where are you?

Security 2: Oh no. Oh no oh no. I've got to call the police!



Scene 5: Gun show, continued.

Ace: *Phone rings* Haley? Is that you? What’s going on? Where did you go?

Haley: I went to find the bathroom and I got stuck in some hallway off the main entrance with some other people. Looks like they put us on lock down. I’m just glad I've still got cell phone service in here.

Ace: But you’re safe? You’re not in immediate danger?

Haley: No, Ace, I’m fine. In fact, I couldn't be safer. Are you okay?

Ace: The whole place is crawling with security now, but none of them are giving us any information on why we’re stuck here.

Haley: Well, hopefully it’s for a good -

Protester: *Microphone feedback* Good afternoon, patrons. This is your captor speaking.

Ace: Did you hear that?

Haley: It’s on the P.A.

Protester: I hope you've enjoyed your time here, because it’s about to come to a crashing stop.

Ace and Haley: Oh great.

Protester: The reason I've locked you all in here is because I want to do a little social experiment. Gun advocates - or as I call them, future-killers - are always going on about how trained handlers are so safe and that background checks are so secure. Well, today, we’re going to see just how safe you are. I will release all of you at midnight if some depraved soul is willing to shoot one of your compatriots dead. Each additional person shot will earn you 30 less minutes in lockdown. Please note that I have set the alarm on all the doors and am monitoring the windows. So either start shooting or sit tight and get ready for some fireworks! *Feedback*

Ace: Perfect. Just perfect.

Haley: Ace? I think I’m going to have to call you back.

Scene 6: Flashback, continued

Young Haley: You sing all the time, don’t you, Aunt Gracie?

Grace: Why, yes I do. It’s the only way I know to be.

Young Haley: And you’re so talented. I wish I could sing like that. I’m not even that good at saxophone yet. Jackie says I’ll never be talented.

Grace: You don’t have to be talented to play like the greats, Haley.

Young Haley: You don’t?

Grace: Of course not! You just have to have, oh what do they call it, mad skills. You think all those people who play on the radio and in the big concert halls in New York and L. A. just came right out of the womb with a guitar in their hands and a song in their throats? No. They worked their asses off for years -

Young Haley: Aunt Gracie!

Grace: Sorry. They worked their behinds off for years and sounded like dying squirrels doing so. Girl, let me tell you. And all that hard work leads to skills, and more hard work leads to mad skills, and that mad skill gets them the gigs. If you work hard like that you won’t need to worry if you've got talent or not. You’ll be able to play right next to those guys. And that applies to everything, not just music. Nothing can hold you back if you work hard enough. And don’t let nobody tell you anything different, not even Jackie. Got me?

Young Haley: Yeah, I got you.

Grace: Good. Now as soon as we get home, I want you to get your saxophone out, warm it up real good, and play till you can’t play anymore. And then I want you to play again.

Young Haley: Play again?

Grace: Yep. Again and again and again. You’re gonna be something someday, sugar, and I want to hear you every step of the way that I can.

Scene 7: Gun show, continued

Haley: How long has it been now?

Chris: Do you really want to know the answer to that question?

Haley: I guess not. This plan stinks.

Chris: It’s the best we can do. We can’t assume that anyone here will absolutely shoot someone, and if I broke through the doors to go find that lady who locked us in here, the alarm would go off and we’d get blown to bits - well, you would. We just have to sit and wait it out. If someone does start shooting, I’ll be the first one to get them the heck out of here. I promise.

Haley: I didn't say it wasn't logical. I just said it stinks.

Chris: Okay, yeah. It does feel like it’s been three hours of awkward already.  

Haley: Awkward? That’s an understatement. Wait... What’s the story, Chris?

Chris: See the guy in the orange tie? That’s Coach Eric Rutgers. He used to be my mentor when I was on the football team. He’s brutally honest, which made him a great coach, but we used to tease him because he couldn't even keep his wife’s anniversary present a secret for more than 24 hours. So obviously I couldn't tell him my secret.

Haley: Oh, I see. So when you were kicked off, you had to let him believe you were doing steroids?

Chris: Yeah. He’s never forgiven me for that, either. He was a foster kid too, so we kind of bonded over that, and he made it his job to make sure I stayed on the straight and narrow. I just can’t imagine what he thinks of me now that he believes I kept using steroids in secret for so long.

Haley: Haven’t you talked to him since then?

Chris: No way. I’m almost as bad as he is at holding my tongue. It was just better for both of us that we didn't talk.

Haley: That’s rough.

Chris: Anyway, what’s up with you? Did you try to tell me I couldn't be here or something?

Haley: Yeah. I guess it doesn't matter anymore. I brought Ace to the gun show to cheer him up, and I thought if he saw you here, he’d just get mad and want to either leave or beat you senseless. Either way, day ruined.

Chris: It’s nice to know he cares about me. Why do you have to cheer him up? Is he sad or something?

Haley: It’s his anniversary today.

Chris: Oh. I’m sorry. I just can’t imagine what Ace must be like when he’s sad.

Haley: It’s not pretty. I just hope he’s still doing okay.

Scene 8: Gun show with Ace

Sharon: Hello.

Ace: Um... Hello.

Sharon: So. How about that hostage situation?

Ace: Excuse me?

Sharon: I’m sorry. I make inappropriate jokes when I’m nervous. I can’t help it.

Ace: That’s okay. When I get nervous, I yell at people for no good reason.

Sharon: Oh. I guess I got the better end of that deal then, didn't I?

Ace: You sure did.

Sharon: So... Do you come here often?

Ace: Um...

Sharon: I’m sorry, that was weird, too.

Ace: More like creepy.

Sharon: I just mean... See, my fiance and I have been here all week. He’s in the army, so he likes to come check out all the new weapons. But I could swear that all the workers around here have photo ID badges around their necks.

Ace: Yeah, I think I've seen that. What’s so important about it?

Sharon: That guy over there. He’s been acting like a worker all afternoon, but his badge doesn't have a picture on it. And he never really does anything. He just wanders around like he’s got somewhere to be and tells everyone they’re doing everything they can to get SWAT up in here.

Ace: So do you think he’s working for the nutcase radical who locked us up?

Sharon: Well, I don’t think he’s working for Hooters. And he sure is giving me the willies.

Ace: Hmm... Interesting.

Scene 9: Flashback, continued

Grace: Ace sure is taking a long time with those parking attendants.

Young Haley: I hope he hasn't killed them.

Grace: Haha, me too! Hmm. You know what? I've had a song stuck in my head all day long and I haven’t gotten a chance to sing it. You want to hear it while we wait?

Young Haley: Sure.

Grace: *Starts to play piano* It’s an oldie, but it’s always been one of my favorites. *Starts to sing* “You’re not alone, my love. The darkness has nothing to hide. Don’t be afraid, I’m waiting for ya. I’m always by your side.” *Ace enters*

Ace and Grace: *Singing duet* “Don’t give up. Don’t back down. Nothing can stop us, you know it’s true. Nothing could keep me, keep me away from you.”

Young Haley: I didn't know you could sing, too, Uncle Ace!

Ace: I try not to, but I can’t help myself whenever Grace sings that song.

Grace: That’s the song we danced to at our wedding. We were wonderful. 

Ace: We sure were. 

Young Haley: Cool. So... that means it’s really old, then, huh?

Grace: *Laughs* Yeah, sugar, that’s exactly what it means.

Scene 10: Gun show with Haley and Chris, continued

Haley: I wish I’d had the common decency to bring my books. I could totally be studying right now. Or my saxophone. I could be practicing.

Chris: Really, Haley? You’d play your saxophone right now? In the middle of a hostage negotiation?

Haley: I don’t like waiting around, okay? Any minute not spent being productive is a minute wasted.

Chris: Just ease up on the throttle there, Trigger. Anyway, how could you have known you’d have this much time to kill?

Haley: I should have been prepared. I’m usually prepared for anything. And I have a ton of midterms coming up next week.

Chris: Anything? Come on, you can’t be prepared for anything. And the way you study, the only way you could do any better on your midterms is if you took that study drug everyone talks about.

Rutgers: That’s not funny, Cooper. Drugs aren't funny. You of all people should know that by now.

Chris: I’m sorry, Coach. I do know that.

Haley: He was just joking, sir. He didn't mean anything by it.

Rutgers: Don’t you defend him, young lady. That’s how it starts. You joke about it, make it a household name, desensitize yourself to it, and the next thing you know someone’s hopped up on so much juice they try to snatch a helicopter out of the air.

Woman: A helicopter? That seems like a pretty far-fetched illustration. 

Rutgers: That’s what I would have thought a year ago.

Chris: Me too, Coach. And you are absolutely right. That’s - that’s why I came clean.

Rutgers: You’re damn right I’m right! But how the hell was I supposed to know what you were thinking? You went belly-up in front of the press and the NCAA and then left without a word to any of us on the coaching staff.

Chris: I was just... ashamed.

Rutgers: Good! You ought to be!

Woman: Calm down, now. We’re all in this together, remember? We’re just tense because we’re not sure what’s going to happen. But we’re going to get out, so don’t say anything you might regret, okay?

Rutgers: The only thing I regret is letting this pathetic excuse of a football player get on my good side so he could milk the system for all it’s worth.

Haley: Hey! You lay off him. He’s a good kid, and he’s just trying to do right with his life.

Chris: No, Haley, it’s okay. I deserve it. I deserve every word.

Rutgers: Why didn't you just tell me you were having issues? I thought we were friends, Cooper. I thought we had a good dynamic going. Where did we go wrong?

Chris: I don’t know, Coach. I just don’t know.

Scene 11: Gun show with Ace, continued

Ace: I’m sick of all this waiting around. I’m gonna go talk to that guy.

Sharon: What? Why would you do that? It’s not like you’re asking him to the Enchantment Under the Sea dance. If he’s really in cahoots with the crazy lady who trapped us in here, he could be dangerous!

Ace: Well, if he is in on this, maybe I can find a way to get us out of here in one piece.

Sharon: Shouldn't we just wait and let the police handle it?

Ace: I've dealt with police my whole career. The unfortunate truth is that in situations like this, they have to be more concerned about being politically correct than saving everyone in the best way possible. Sometimes you just have to take your life into your own hands and hope for the best.

Sharon: Okay then. Just be careful, please? I don’t want to be the one to tell your family, “He died because he yelled at the bad guys.”

Ace: I’ll try to hold my tongue. *Ace walks toward Security* Hey, son. Got any news on what the police are doing to get us out of this joint?

Security: No, nothing new. Last I heard from them, they were sending the SWAT team to set up a perimeter, but I haven’t seen or heard anything in awhile. Just be patient, sir. We’re doing everything we can.

Ace: Oh well. You know those types. They've got to follow the law to the letter or nobody moves. Know what I mean?

Security: Yeah. Stupid pigs.

Ace: So how long you been working here, son? You seem like you know the place really well.

Security: Yeah. I've been working with the fairgrounds for about a year now.

Ace: Is that so? Then you must have been here for the Comic Con in July. I heard there was some crazy stuff going on here. Not as crazy as this, but you know - normal type crazy.

Security: Um, yeah. It was crazy.

Ace: Do you remember who the special guests were?

Security: Oh, um, yeah. It was, um, Leonard Nimoy. All the Star Trek fans went nuts.

Ace: Is that so?

Security: Yep. I couldn't have cared less, but - you know. A job’s a job.

Ace: Because now that I think of it, I wrote an article for the Gazette-Times about the fairground’s July schedule.

Security: Oh. Really?

Ace: Yeah. There hasn't been a Comic Con in Corvallis in twelve years. So how could Leonard Nimoy have been here last summer?

Security: Uh... Well, no... I got confused...

Ace: Who are you really working for?

Security: You know what? I think the real question is, do you really want to keep asking so many questions? *Points pistol at Ace*

Ace: Oh.

(Commercial break)

Scene 12: Flashback, continued

Ace: Are you ready to go, Grace?

Grace: *sigh* I think I've got everything. Maybe I should run home real quick and check on the casserole -

Ace: It’s been taken care of.

Grace: What about the garden? Did you set up the automatic sprinklers? If those bell peppers don’t get water, they’ll shrivel up like peaches in the Sahara -

Ace: I've got it, dear. It’s done.

Grace: Okay. Then I’m ready as I’ll ever be.

Young Haley: Well, I’m not ready.

Grace: Haley...

Young Haley: I want to go to the beach first. Can we? Please?

Ace: The beach is more than an hour away. The appointment is in twenty minutes. Even if we left now we would have to head back to the hospital before we hit the highway.

Grace: You know why we have to go, don’t you, sugar?

Young Haley: Yeah, I know... I know why you have to do it. But I just - I just want a little more time with you. Just one more beach trip. Just one more sunset. Please? They can wait until tomorrow, can’t they?

Grace: They can wait, sugar, but I can’t. If I wait too much longer there might never be another sunset on the beach with you. Do you understand? You have to let me go.

Young Haley: But I don’t want to let you go! That’s the whole point! If I let you go, I might never get you back!

Grace: Sugar, if you don’t let me go, someday I won’t come back at all. And that’s for sure.

Ace: We’ll get through this, Haley. Don’t be afraid. Be stronger than you think you are. Can you do that for me?

Grace: For us?

Young Haley: Okay. Let’s go.

Scene 13: Gun show with Ace

Ace: Hold on there, son. There’s no need for that.

Security: I think there is. People who keep asking about what isn't their own damn business just burn me up.

Ace: Oh, me too. I don’t really care about your damn business anyway -

Security: Keep your hands down at your sides. We don’t want anyone else to get suspicious.

Ace: No, no, I can see where that wouldn't be good. It’s just... I can’t get a read on you. If you’re working with the, uh... activist on the PA, then why are you so antsy to flash your weapon at me? It’s not that I don’t appreciate your - directness. It just seems like an unusual juxtaposition.

Security: Well, maybe I’m just the activist’s ex-con boyfriend and I don’t really give a hoot who gets killed today. Or maybe I’m the crazy son of a gun who’s going to kill you and not care who sees. Got me?

Ace: I've got you, I promise.

Security: Now if you know what else is good for you, you’ll put it back in your pants, turn around, and go sit down like a good little hostage.

Ace: Well, you don’t have to get graphic about it.

Protester: *Microphone feedback* Well, it looks like it’s that time. And none of you have even so much as picked up a gun. I won’t lie by saying I’m not surprised. You all have restored my faith in humanity by an infinitesimal percentage point. But I've come up with a solution to our little standoff: We need to up the ante. We need to kick this thing up a notch. We need to turn up the heat. Although actually, we’ll be cooling things down a bit. (The air conditioning turns on, and everyone looks around) You see, right now I’m pumping chlorine gas into the building via the air conditioning system. By my estimation, unless one of you takes it upon themselves to shoot another hostage, you will all be dead or choking on your own blood in 30 minutes. I, on the other hand, will be taking advantage of your dire situation to leave while the police prepare to clean up your corpses. See you later! Or not. *Microphone feedback*

Chris: Haley, it’s already coming in through the vents! I have to do something.

Haley: I know. Do what you have to do. But Chris? When you’re done saving everyone else - go get her.

Chris: I will. Can you give me a bit of cover?

Haley: I sure can. Good luck. All right, everyone step away from the door. Back in this corner here. Go on!

Man: Why should we listen to you?

Haley: I’m a trained emergency response representative from the Department of Just Do What I Say. Now get back before the police come crashing in here, guns blazing. I’m sure they've heard what’s going on and are already on their way.

HALEY shoos everyone into the corner and looks back to give CHRIS a wink. CHRIS gives her a nod and then crashes through the locked metal doors.

Across the room, with ACE and SECURITY, they hear CHRIS bust open the door with a huge crash. SECURITY and ACE look over, but ACE takes advantage of SECURITY’s distraction and slaps the gun from his hand before lunging at him.

HALEY and the others look over to see the door hanging off its hinges.

Haley: Change of plans. Come on, everyone, let’s get out of here!

They come out and immediately run into ACE and SECURITY on the floor, the gun a few feet away, SECURITY pinned to the floor.

Ace: Maybe you should think twice the next time you want to tell an old man what to put in his pants.

Haley: Wow. I came in at the wrong part of that conversation.

Ace: Oh, hello, Smalls. 

(Commercial break)

Scene 14: Aftermath of the gun show incident. Cops and other officials are scattered throughout the building, and everything is winding down. HALEY and ACE are talking to each other near the door.

Haley: I still can’t believe you took that guy down so quickly. My uncle’s still got his A-game!

Ace: It was nothing. If it hadn't been for that faulty emergency exit sign exploding, I might not have gotten an opportunity to do something.

Haley: But you did, and you took him down like he was a stack of toilet paper! I just wish I had seen it.

Ace: There wasn't really anything to see. I just did what I had to do.

Haley: Just shut up and take my praise, okay, Ace? You’re as bad as Chris. Oh, I mean... I just...

Ace: No, it’s okay. He did a good thing today, making sure you were safe. He might still rub me wrong, but I can’t discredit him for that.

Haley: I’m glad to hear that.

Ace: Besides, I’m actually feeling pretty good all around. I had fun today.

Haley: Being a hostage?

Ace: Well, maybe “fun” isn't the right word... But it was certainly exciting, and it got my mind off of things. Thanks for dragging me out here, Haley. I really needed it.

Haley: You’re welcome, but I can’t promise that I can deliver the same way next time.

Ace: I hope not!

Haley: (Looks over and sees an officer walk away from CHRIS) I've gotta go talk to Chris real quick, okay?

Ace: Okay. I’ll meet you at the car.

Haley: Cool. I love you, Ace.

Ace: I love you, too, Smalls.

ACE and HALEY separate.

Haley: So? Did you get the third degree?

Chris: I got lucky this time. The surveillance cameras in this building are really old, so when I ran out the door so fast, they didn't capture anything. They did capture the fact that I went missing the second after the doors blew open, but Officer Reynolds decided they’d have to overlook that for now.

Haley: You know his name?

Chris: I've dealt with the police a lot the past few years. Officer Reynolds is a good man, and I think he’s suspicious about how many crime scenes I've been at, but we go to the same church, so he tends to look the other way when I need it most.

Haley: That’s handy.

Chris: Hey, I was thinking... Maybe we've been a bit too hard on Kara about her finding out about me.

Haley: I hate to admit it, but I think I agree with you. After all, she hasn't told anyone yet, as far as we know. As far as insiders go, that’s got to say something.

Chris: So - does that mean you still want to meet up tomorrow to talk with her?

Haley: Uh, yes. Even if she’s followed the rules this far, that doesn't mean she doesn't know what they are. We’ll just be a bit more... accommodating when we do talk to her.

Chris: Okay. See you then.

Haley: See ya. And Chris? Thanks for saving our lives. My life. Again. And Ace’s. He’s everything to me, and I couldn't stand... you know?

Chris: You’re welcome, Haley.

ACE and SHARON are talking near the other doors.

Sharon: I gotta tell you, I was pretty glad I didn't have to make that phone call for you.

Ace: I’m glad, too.

Sharon: Thanks for taking care of business.

Ace: Sure. And thank you, too.

Sharon: For what?

Ace: You reminded me of someone, and what it means to stand up against the odds. I just want to thank you for lighting up the dark places in my heart.

Sharon: Anytime, sugar. Haha! Sorry, I guess I’m still a little freaked out about today. I don’t know where that came from.

Ace: I think I do.

Scene 15: Wrap-up with Kara

Chris: So what we really wanted to say is, we’re sorry for attacking you the other day.

Kara: It’s no big deal, I guess. I understand. You just wanted to make sure Chris’s secret stays secret. It’s serious business.

Haley: It sure is. Don’t forget that, okay?

Kara: I won’t. I just have one condition, though.

Haley: Oh, no.

Chris: Which is?

Kara: I don’t want to get too sucked into your life - I mean, I have enough on my social platter to deal with anyway - but I do want to keep up-to-date with your totally awesome rescue stories, armed hostage situations and all.

Chris: I guess I can deal with that.

Haley: Great. Just great. As if I didn't already look like a sidekick, now we look like some sort of teen squad. Let’s all hop in the Mystery Machine and find some ghosts next week, guys! Ugh. I hate myself.

Kara: Don’t kid yourself, Haley, you always wanted a ride in the Mystery Machine.

Chris: So does that make her Daphne, or Velma?

Kara: I think it makes her Shaggy.

Chris: Totally!

Haley: I’m leaving now.

Chris: *As Haley exits* And you’re Daphne.

Kara: Oh, that’s so sweet, Freddy!

Chris: Freddy?! Haha, no. Actually, I’m just glad I’m not Scooby.

Kara: And is it okay that the Mystery Machine is a pink VW Beetle and a little rough around the edges?

Chris: I think that makes it better!